CBSE Board Exams 2024: Subject-Wise Marks Breakdown Released at

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The CBSE class 10 and class 12 practical exams will begin on January 1, 2024, while the theory exam will start on February 15, 2024

The marking scheme has been provided by CBSE for 83 subjects in class 10 and 121 subjects in class 12 (Representative Image)

The marking scheme has been provided by CBSE for 83 subjects in class 10 and 121 subjects in class 12 (Representative Image)

The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) has published a subject-wise marks breakdown for all students and teachers. Those interested can check the pdf through the official website of CBSE at The marking scheme has been provided for 83 subjects in class 10 and 121 subjects in class 12.

According to the official notice, class 10 and class 12 practical exams will begin on January 1, 2024, while the theory exam will start on February 15, 2024. CBSE has also recently released the dates of the Class 10 and 12 practical exams for 2024, which are scheduled to take place from November 14 to December 14, for schools that are closed for the winter break.

The official notification read, “It has been observed that schools are committing mistakes while uploading the marks in respect of Practical/Project/Internal Assessment. To aid and assist the schools in smooth conduct of Practical/Project/Internal Assessment and conduct of Theory Examinations, a list of subjects for Classes X and XII containing the following details is attached with this circular for information.”

CBSE Subject-Wise Marks Breakdown: Details mentioned

–– Class

–– Subject code

–– Subject Name

–– Maximum Marks Theory Examination

–– Maximum Marks Practical Examination

–– Maximum Marks Project Assessment

–– Maximum Marks Internal Assessment (IA)

–– Whether External Examiner will be appointed for practical or project assessment

–– Whether Practical Answer-book will be provided by the Board

–– Types of Answer Books that will be used in Theory Examinations

The official notice further revealed the maximum marks allotted to each subject. “Maximum marks allotted to each subject is 100 (One Hundred) with marks distribution among theory, practical, project and IA components as per the details given in the list,” it read.

CBSE Subject-Wise Marks Breakdown: How to Check

To check the entire pdf of the bifurcation of subject-wise marks for both classes, students can follow the below-mentioned steps:

Step 1: Log in to, the official website of the Central Board of Secondary Education.

Step 2: On the page that will display, click on the ‘Main Website’ option.

Step 3: The main homepage will be shown. Now, under the Latest CBSE tab, click on ‘Circular regarding Bifurcation of Marks for Practical/Project/Internel Assessment Examination (3.00 MB) 30/10/2023.’

Step 4: A new window will be displayed showcasing the pdf with all the information.

Step 5: Students can check all the details mentioned in the pdf carefully.

Step 6: Download and take a printout of the same for your reference.

The board also clarified that all the Accountancy answer books with printed tables have been discontinued for the 2024 examinations. For all the latest and important updates regarding the CBSE Board Examinations 2024, candidates are advised to visit the official website of the Central Board of Secondary Education at

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