8 prehistoric animals that are still alive today

8 prehistoric animals that are still alive today

18 Jan, 2025

Sanchita Sinha

Let’s explore eight remarkable creatures that have survived millions of years of evolution, overcoming the challenges of time and changing ecosystems.

Tuatara: Native to New Zealand, this unique reptile has existed for 200 million years, and is often referred to as a “living fossil.”

Crocodiles: Crocodiles have existed for more than 200 million years, maintaining relatively unchanged forms throughout the ages.

Sharks: Sharks have been swimming the oceans for over 125 million years, evolving into diverse species with remarkable survival skills.

Horseshoe Crab: This ancient creature has existed for over 450 million years, making it one of the oldest living species on Earth.

Gharial: This freshwater crocodile, found in India and Nepal, has survived for 60 million years, with a long, narrow snout adapted for catching fish.

Sturgeon: This ancient fish has been around for 200 million years, known for its slow growth and long lifespan.

Alligator: These resilient reptiles have survived for 37 million years, continuing to thrive in freshwater habitats across the world.

Nautilus: With its distinctive spiral shell, the nautilus has been around for 500 million years, making it one of the oldest living marine species.

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